Baohua Yan

Personal Website


Academic Background

My undergraduate major is information and computing science at math department. It might not be a common major, but basically it is just the combination of pure math and computing math. I have taken numerous pure math courses, including differential manifolds, abstract algebra, group representation, harmonic analysis, advanced PDE (Evans’ book part 2), etc. I may not take any further pure math course in the future, unless it is necessary for my research.

I am also proficient in programming. I am maintaining my blog running on my own server. You can click on the “Blog” on the left to visit it. If the website crashes, usually it means that I am trying to add some new features and it blows up :(. My favorite language is python, then wolfram mathematica. The former is easy to use and the latter is amazing at symbolic computations. I use matlab or c++ only if it is necessary.

Below is the list of my research projects (non-course projects). You can find the corresponding codes on my Github website. Repositories will be public after their final versions are pushed with proper README documents.

Research Projects

  • Explainable and Robust Graph Neural Network for Spatio-Temporal Prediction

    • Mentor: Prof. Xuan Di, Zhaobin Mo
    • Columbia University
    • A paper has been accepted by 2024 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2024)
    • A paper will be submitted to 2025 International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2025).
    • A paper can be expected to be submitted to AAAI conference in 2025.
  • Singular Value Decomposition in Machine Learning

    • Mentor: Prof. Chunguang Xiong
    • Beijing Institute of Technology
    • Undergraduate Thesis